Dari judulnya mungkin lo udah tau kalo kita semua lagi berduka. kenapa berduka? Karena...
Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un telah meninggal guru kita Bu Hernanik. Bu Hernanik itu guru SMP Labschool, terus sedihnya lagi angkatan guaa adalah angkatan terakhir yang diajar sama dia. Waktu terakhir dia ngajar kelas gua, keliatannya dia masih sehat walaupun gua emang tau kalo bu Nanik kena kanker payudara sebelum gua masuk SMP (lama abis). Tadinya pas diumumin di LabsChannel, gua sedih tapi ga begitu sedih sampe bu Husna nyeritain kl bu Nanik itu punya semangat yang tinggi banget untuk sembuh. Terus bu husna jg nyeritain waktu terakhir ketemu bu nanik, bu nanik udah ga bisa berkomunikasi lagi, rambutnya jg udh rontok semua krn kemoterapi. Bu nanik pas itu cuma bisa ngeluarin air mata, terus bu husna ngebisikin kata-kata gitu ke bu nanik. Katanya suruh istighfar dan sabar, Bu Nanik cuma bisa ngeluarin air mata. Sedih abis.
laluu siangnya gua bersama sebagian angkatan 18 dan OSIS 19 naik bis ke rumah bu nanik utk ngelayat. pas gua liat jenazahnya, perutnya buncit bgt krn penumpukan cairan gt katanya. Terus pas mau dibersihin, hidungnya keluar darah. serem abis. Tapi kita rombongan anak labschool yang naik bus gak ikut sholat jenazah sama pemakaman.
That's all. Selamat jalan Bu Nanik, semoga dimudahkan jalannya ke surga. Amiiin
Selasa, 29 November 2011
Selasa, 22 November 2011
TIK yang digunakan selama pelaksanaan SEA Games XXVI
Penyelenggaraan SEA Games XXVI 2011 di Jakarta dan Palembang dipastikan akan didukung teknologi terkini. Mulai dari link Internastional Broadcasting Center untuk siaran TV, layanan mobile voice telephone, layanan roaming, dan layanan Blackberry.
Semua ini bisa terjadi setelah Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Comitee (INASOC) mengukuhkan kerjasama dengan Indosat melalui Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Senin, 22 Agustus 2011. Kerjasama ini memungkinan layanan telekomunikasi terkini untuk para atlet, panitia pelaksana, media, maupun partisipan yang ada. "SEA Games tahun ini akan disiarkan lewat berbagai media terutama internet. Ini bisa menjadi alat utama untuk menyatukan masyarakat ASEAN dalam olahraga," kata Menpora.
--TEKNOLOGI PENCATAT WAKTU-- Selain itu, teknologi memang sangat diperlukan, selain untuk kehidupan juga bisa digunakan dalam acara-acara penting yang saat ini akan digelar oleh Indonesia, SEA Games XXVI. Salah satunya adalah teknologi pencatatan waktu dalam olahraga.
Berkaitan dengan penggunaan teknologi pencatatan waktu untuk SEA Games, Panita Pelaksana SEA Games XXVI Indonesia (InaSOC) menguji kemampuan pemenang tender teknologi informatika yaitu PT Maxxima, dalam mengoperasikan sistem pencatatan waktu dan skor pada beberapa venues.
Teknologi ini diharapkan bisa digunakan secara optimal untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan SEA Games XXVI yang diadakan di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan dan Jakarta. Agar menggambarkan hasil pertandingan secara “real time” jadi tidak ada kesalahan dalam pencatatan waktu saat pertandingan.
Teknologi pencegah hujan ini adalah tugas dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Cara kerjanya ternyata adalah menggunakan 3 buah pesawat, yaitu 2 buah pesawat Casa 212 dan 1 buah pesawat Cesna. Sebenarnya pencegahan hujan dilakukan dengan menggeser awan dan mencegah awan yang berpotensi menimbulkan hujan dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis kurang dari micron ke dalam sistem awan yang baru muncul.
Awan yang baru muncul tersebut biasanya tersusun atas 100 butir air persentimeter kubik dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 mikron. Ketika ada tambahan uap air, awan akan tumbuh menjadi awan hujan sehingga ukurannya menjadi lebih besar. Disini peran BPPT tersebut, yaitu dengan membuat awan agar tetap stabil.
Seandainya cara ini kurang efektif dan awan masih berkembang menimbulkan potensi awan hujan, maka cara lainnya adalah dengan jumping process atau metode proses lompatan. Cara kerja metode ini adalah memaksa awan segera menjadi hujan supaya tidak terlalu besar dan hujannya nggak deras. Kebalikan dari cara yang pertama, yaitu dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis berukuran lebih dari 30 mikron.
Semua ini bisa terjadi setelah Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Comitee (INASOC) mengukuhkan kerjasama dengan Indosat melalui Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Senin, 22 Agustus 2011. Kerjasama ini memungkinan layanan telekomunikasi terkini untuk para atlet, panitia pelaksana, media, maupun partisipan yang ada. "SEA Games tahun ini akan disiarkan lewat berbagai media terutama internet. Ini bisa menjadi alat utama untuk menyatukan masyarakat ASEAN dalam olahraga," kata Menpora.
--TEKNOLOGI PENCATAT WAKTU-- Selain itu, teknologi memang sangat diperlukan, selain untuk kehidupan juga bisa digunakan dalam acara-acara penting yang saat ini akan digelar oleh Indonesia, SEA Games XXVI. Salah satunya adalah teknologi pencatatan waktu dalam olahraga.
Berkaitan dengan penggunaan teknologi pencatatan waktu untuk SEA Games, Panita Pelaksana SEA Games XXVI Indonesia (InaSOC) menguji kemampuan pemenang tender teknologi informatika yaitu PT Maxxima, dalam mengoperasikan sistem pencatatan waktu dan skor pada beberapa venues.
Teknologi ini diharapkan bisa digunakan secara optimal untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan SEA Games XXVI yang diadakan di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan dan Jakarta. Agar menggambarkan hasil pertandingan secara “real time” jadi tidak ada kesalahan dalam pencatatan waktu saat pertandingan.
Teknologi pencegah hujan ini adalah tugas dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Cara kerjanya ternyata adalah menggunakan 3 buah pesawat, yaitu 2 buah pesawat Casa 212 dan 1 buah pesawat Cesna. Sebenarnya pencegahan hujan dilakukan dengan menggeser awan dan mencegah awan yang berpotensi menimbulkan hujan dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis kurang dari micron ke dalam sistem awan yang baru muncul.
Awan yang baru muncul tersebut biasanya tersusun atas 100 butir air persentimeter kubik dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 mikron. Ketika ada tambahan uap air, awan akan tumbuh menjadi awan hujan sehingga ukurannya menjadi lebih besar. Disini peran BPPT tersebut, yaitu dengan membuat awan agar tetap stabil.
Seandainya cara ini kurang efektif dan awan masih berkembang menimbulkan potensi awan hujan, maka cara lainnya adalah dengan jumping process atau metode proses lompatan. Cara kerja metode ini adalah memaksa awan segera menjadi hujan supaya tidak terlalu besar dan hujannya nggak deras. Kebalikan dari cara yang pertama, yaitu dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis berukuran lebih dari 30 mikron.
Selasa, 01 November 2011
I know this is a late post, but I still want to post beside this is an assignment from ICT. K, lets get it started (I'm gonna use english and bahasa ;D)
Day 1: Friday, 29 October 2011
"Jum'at, AMT, oke" That's what I feel abt that day. At the first, I'm not really excited about that because it's only 2 days. And the seniors said they just get motivated, and I'm like 'hmph..okay lets see it is fun or not'. *skip* We finally arrived at Sukabumi at Grand Pesona Hotel, the place where we stay for one night. The hotel is quite nice, and our rooms are comfortable. Before we had our first motivation material, we had some snacks at the cafe, we took some pictures too ;D. After that, we go to the main hall for our first material. The material called "Super Great Memory". That material was really help us for remembering sooooo many materials for exams. Then, we have to make a mind maping of the subject we want. I made a mind maping of biology subject. Finally the zuhur time is coming, the boys do Jum'at pray and the girls are having lunch muhahaha :D. After we do pray Zuhur, we got our second material called "Career Figure" and our career figure is Dik Doank. That's not his real name, he has a loooooong one. The thing I know about Dik Doank is, he is a comedian, but at that material he speaks like an 'ustad' wkwkwkw (I don't know what's the english form wkwkw maap ye bung). Many girls are crying, but I'm not wkwk. After that we take a little rest before our next material. Our third material is motivation and auto-sugestion by Aris Ahmad Jaya. He's such a great motivator, and the material is really fun! That's my favorite material meheheh :D. And he's....... Yea he gave us 'muhasabah' and many girls are crying (again), including me.....HAHAHA. Then, we back to our rooms to take a rest. We do whatever we want, such as taking a bath, eat, and finish our mind mapping project before the dinner time. Yeah, after thaaat we got the next material. The same material, but another Aris. I prefer the previous Aris, he's better I think. At the night material, some of my friends are half-sleeping (or total-sleeping) and seems didn't really enjoy the last material of today.
Day 2: Saturday, 30 October 2011.
Today is the next day and the last day. So far, I think AMT is as good as Invita. Today we started our day by doing free activity. Whatever we want to do, sleep more, or doing some sports. At the first, I planned to continue sleeping. But......I'm suddenly awaken at 5 AM-_- so did my room mate, so I'm not alone that morning wkwkwk. Ria and I want to take a walk around Grand Pesona Hotel with Fika, Ninda and Talitha have chosen to stay at our room and watch Fatal Frame II videos. At 6.20 me, Ria, and Fika had our breakfast. Not too many people at the cafe that time. Then, when we saw the pool, many boys there. They are playing football near the pool, but they end up pushing each other into the pool, but its fun to just sit and watch them wkwkwk. After we having our free time (its quite long.. 3 and a half hours! Wkwk), we went to the main hall again to have the "Life Proposal" material, which guided by our teachers. We wrote our dreams, and we pray to God to grant our wishes. After that Mrs. Kris said "Ayo nak, minta maaf sama org yg pernah kamu sakiti", and suddenly the situation goes touching and most of girls are crying (including me. I don't know why I am sooooooo sensitive). After we apologized each other, Mr. Ali Chudori, our headmaster closes the AMT.
Finally AMT is over. I really want to enjoy it again with ma beloved Dezoito Força! AMT is mooooore amazing than Invita. Because at AMT we are motivated and we're learned about kindness more. This is the most amazing school moment I think ;D.
That's all for my post today, see ya :D
-sorry for my awful english :/-
Day 1: Friday, 29 October 2011
"Jum'at, AMT, oke" That's what I feel abt that day. At the first, I'm not really excited about that because it's only 2 days. And the seniors said they just get motivated, and I'm like 'hmph..okay lets see it is fun or not'. *skip* We finally arrived at Sukabumi at Grand Pesona Hotel, the place where we stay for one night. The hotel is quite nice, and our rooms are comfortable. Before we had our first motivation material, we had some snacks at the cafe, we took some pictures too ;D. After that, we go to the main hall for our first material. The material called "Super Great Memory". That material was really help us for remembering sooooo many materials for exams. Then, we have to make a mind maping of the subject we want. I made a mind maping of biology subject. Finally the zuhur time is coming, the boys do Jum'at pray and the girls are having lunch muhahaha :D. After we do pray Zuhur, we got our second material called "Career Figure" and our career figure is Dik Doank. That's not his real name, he has a loooooong one. The thing I know about Dik Doank is, he is a comedian, but at that material he speaks like an 'ustad' wkwkwkw (I don't know what's the english form wkwkw maap ye bung). Many girls are crying, but I'm not wkwk. After that we take a little rest before our next material. Our third material is motivation and auto-sugestion by Aris Ahmad Jaya. He's such a great motivator, and the material is really fun! That's my favorite material meheheh :D. And he's....... Yea he gave us 'muhasabah' and many girls are crying (again), including me.....HAHAHA. Then, we back to our rooms to take a rest. We do whatever we want, such as taking a bath, eat, and finish our mind mapping project before the dinner time. Yeah, after thaaat we got the next material. The same material, but another Aris. I prefer the previous Aris, he's better I think. At the night material, some of my friends are half-sleeping (or total-sleeping) and seems didn't really enjoy the last material of today.
Day 2: Saturday, 30 October 2011.
Today is the next day and the last day. So far, I think AMT is as good as Invita. Today we started our day by doing free activity. Whatever we want to do, sleep more, or doing some sports. At the first, I planned to continue sleeping. But......I'm suddenly awaken at 5 AM-_- so did my room mate, so I'm not alone that morning wkwkwk. Ria and I want to take a walk around Grand Pesona Hotel with Fika, Ninda and Talitha have chosen to stay at our room and watch Fatal Frame II videos. At 6.20 me, Ria, and Fika had our breakfast. Not too many people at the cafe that time. Then, when we saw the pool, many boys there. They are playing football near the pool, but they end up pushing each other into the pool, but its fun to just sit and watch them wkwkwk. After we having our free time (its quite long.. 3 and a half hours! Wkwk), we went to the main hall again to have the "Life Proposal" material, which guided by our teachers. We wrote our dreams, and we pray to God to grant our wishes. After that Mrs. Kris said "Ayo nak, minta maaf sama org yg pernah kamu sakiti", and suddenly the situation goes touching and most of girls are crying (including me. I don't know why I am sooooooo sensitive). After we apologized each other, Mr. Ali Chudori, our headmaster closes the AMT.
Finally AMT is over. I really want to enjoy it again with ma beloved Dezoito Força! AMT is mooooore amazing than Invita. Because at AMT we are motivated and we're learned about kindness more. This is the most amazing school moment I think ;D.
That's all for my post today, see ya :D
-sorry for my awful english :/-
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